Monday, August 9, 2010

The types of classes that I detest

          Classes is the place let us study and gain knowledge from lecturers. However, nowadays most of the students they go to school are go for fun and not study anymore. The reasons of students detest the classes are classes with bad lecturers, classes with bad surrounding, classes with bad timing.

          Firsty, if students classes with bad lecturers can make student dislike to go high school or university. Students hate the lecturers that teaching with the bad skills. For instance, lecturers teach with a very fast speed, it can cause students can not catch up what the lecturers are teaching and they can not understand and confused.Some of the lecturers can not solve their own question, how come they can teach their students well? Otherwise, the other reasons is the bad attitude, for example, that the lecturers always late, cancel clasees and change time, this will show their unresponsibility, so students will feel annoyed. The lecturers with bad tempered will let student feel so afraid and stress when classes with them.
          Moreover, students also dislike classes with bad surrounding. If we meets some bad classmate that they are noisy, smelly, playful, rowdly and rebellious, we absolutely can not concentrate in class.This is because the student that like to talk with others will let us distract and finally can not listen what the lecturers are teaching. Beside that, bad facilities and classroom also are the one reasons why student detest the class. For example of bad facilities are class with bad air-con, light are too dim, uncomfortable chairs and tables. Sometimes when we sit in the class, we can meet chewing gums stuck on tables or chairs. This make student do not like study in bad surrounding.
           Most of all, the timing of study are important to students for study. If we have classes at 8am morning, we will feel sleepy and rushed because most of the student can not wake up early in the morning, that why students always late to classes. In the afternoon 2am, this is time we after take our lunch, most of people after take lunch will feel tired and sleepy, student also same, they will feel sleepy in classes and can not concentrate on their studies. If we have classes at 8pm night, this is also a bad timing for students because they feel tired and that is unsafely when they back to their hostel in the night especially for girl. Others than that, consecutive classes also make students dislike to go to classes.

            In the conclusion, that is 3 types of classes that I detest. However, we must love to go to school, because the purpose to go to school is to gain more knowledge. Because many contry's children can not study or they study in a bad surrounding. So, we must treasure what we get from God.

1 comment:

  1. Dearest Zoey,

    Thank you so much for being patient and for writing this essay ^^ The entire structure of essay is very systematic and correct with proper thesis statement, topic sentences and also supporting details :)

    Nevertheless there are a few errors here and there that we can learn from ^^

    1. Classes is the place ~ it should be classes do correct for subject verb agreement errors ya ^^

    2. if students classes with bad lecturers can make student dislike to go high school or university. ~ this is not so clear because what does it mean by students classes with bad lecturers? does it mean classes with bad lecturers?

    3. we can meet chewing gums stuck on tables or chairs~ hehee meet is not a right word because meet if for humans or living things, for chewing gums, maybe we can say, in class, sometimes we might notice chewing gums stuck on the table or under the desk and we feel totally disgusted...

    Nonetheless, the ideas are still clear ^^

    Continue your fine effort ^^

    Ms Jasline
